Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I knew I had raised my minimum for the 3 Day walk, but until it actually posted on the website it didn't feel real. Now that I can see it, it feels like a big weight has been lifted. Now I can focus 100% on my training....and working on raising funds and awareness for the Relay for Life team I'm walking with on 11 June here in Minot. GO TEAM BREAST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Walk....Walk....Walk.... sounds like good exercise, but right now it has been pretty boring on the treadmill or in the gym. I'm enjoying the "Big Thaw" going on and can't wait to get outside to do my training walks. During the week it seems much easier to walk on the treadmill so I can keep the kids from fighting and to ensure they get their homework done. The weekends will be my time to get outdoors. This weekend I had a booth at the Women's Expo on Saturday, and Sunday was Easter. I "had" to go on a motorcycle ride with Jeff--it was GLORIOUS outdoors! I did pilates and walked a little bit though. My abs are feeling the pilates today. Tomorrow I'll walk again--hopefully 5-6 miles. Now that the fundraising is basically completed I can focus on eating right and walk....walk....walking the miles away.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have been registered for the 3 Day now for almost two months, and it has been an amazing experience already. The fundraising is going better than I anticipated. I've had some very generous donors, and a surprising outcome with my "Penny Wars" fundraiser at my daughter's elementary school. Last week the students/teachers raised $548.30. Tomorrow will be the end of the second and final week of the fundraiser. I am so proud of these students, parents, teachers, and staff for helping me raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer. North Plains Elementary ROCKS!!!